Molly’s Thin Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies

Molly’s Thin Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies

There is some pressure on this first post of my new venture, so it is with some trepidation that I have chosen a recipe that I created. I am a great follower of recipes and have only recently begun to risk subjecting friends and family to my own creations. I love cookies. Even more than cookies, I love cookies inside cookies. Thus evolved these triple threat chocolate thin mint chocolate chip cookies. The espresso powder serves to enhance the chocolate flavor (as described in this Bon Appetit article) and does not give any coffee flavor to the cookies. 


Molly's Thin Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies
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Prep Time
20 min
Total Time
30 min
Prep Time
20 min
Total Time
30 min
  1. ½ cup unsalted butter, room temperature
  2. ½ cup granulated sugar
  3. ½ cup dark brown sugar, packed
  4. 1 large egg, room temperature
  5. 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  6. 1 cup all-purpose flour
  7. ½ cup + 2 Tbsp. cocoa powder
  8. Optional: ¼ teaspoon espresso powder (did not use for this batch)
  9. 1 teaspoon baking soda
  10. ¼ teaspoon kosher salt
  11. 2 Tbsp. half and half
  12. 1 cup roughly chopped thin mints + the crumbs & a little more for topping (1 sleeve)
  13. ⅓ cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
  1. 1. Preheat the oven to 350˚ F. Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper. In the bowl of an electric mixer (or hand mixer), combine the butter and sugars. Beat together on medium-high speed until light and fluffy, 2-3 minutes. Blend in the egg and vanilla, scrape down the bowl if needed.
  2. 2. In a separate bowl, whisk together the flour, cocoa powder, espresso powder if using, baking soda, and salt. Slowly add the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients in the mixer on low speed just until incorporated. Mix in the milk on the lowest speed and fold in the thin mints and chocolate chips.
  3. 3. Roll about 2 tablespoons of dough into balls and place on the baking sheets (sticky dough, dipping hands in water may help). Top each cookie with a little more Andes Mints.
  4. 4. Bake 10-11 minutes. Let cool on the baking sheets for about 5 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.
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