Molly’s Party Cookies

Molly’s Party Cookies

  Yes, I agree, 2020 is a dumpster fire. I even have a candle saying so! However, this year has also had wonderful moments that have been overshadowed by an overwhelming negativity in the news and outside our windows. So, for the next month I 

Apple Cider Caramel Cookies

Apple Cider Caramel Cookies

Autumn in Seattle was long and beautiful, and apparently I did not spend it in the kitchen. Very belatedly (but still delicious all winter long), I present these gooey apple cider cookies filled with caramels. Kevin had friends visiting for a long weekend, and I 

Brown Butter Chocolate Caramel Ice Cream Sandwiches

Brown Butter Chocolate Caramel Ice Cream Sandwiches

Summer in Seattle is magical. I thought I would spend more time baking in my free weekends this summer, but instead have been traveling or entertaining every weekend. In between, Kev and I have been focusing on using all the amazing produce from the Pike 

Cinnamon Chip Snickerdoodles

Cinnamon Chip Snickerdoodles

I’m breaking in my oven in Seattle this weekend with an old tried & true recipe for a potluck with my new co-residents. There is nothing vegan, gluten-free, organic, or environmentally friendly about these cookies so they don’t scream “Seattle”, but warm cinnamon on a 

Hearty Peanut Butter & Chocolate Chip Cookies

Hearty Peanut Butter & Chocolate Chip Cookies

Kev is FINALLY home from his 6 week – Around the world extravaganza and the last week has been filled with long ICU days followed by figuring out logistics of a cross-country move while working in the ED. The good news is that we now 

Bachelorette Sugar Cookies with Royal Icing

Bachelorette Sugar Cookies with Royal Icing

Back in April, I was coasting through an anesthesia rotation after I’d already matched into my Residency, and decided to take on a (seriously time consuming) project for my best friend’s Bachelorette in Palm Springs, CA. As a co-MOH, I had put my type-A planning 

Campfire S’mores Cookies

Campfire S’mores Cookies

I often get asked where I find my recipes. Browsing recipes and all the pretty pictures of skillful bakers and food photographers is half the fun for me! When I have down time (and frequently when I should be studying), I scroll through pinterest or 

Molly’s Thin Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies

Molly’s Thin Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies

There is some pressure on this first post of my new venture, so it is with some trepidation that I have chosen a recipe that I created. I am a great follower of recipes and have only recently begun to risk subjecting friends and family