Tag: Cookies

Molly’s Party Cookies

Molly’s Party Cookies

  Yes, I agree, 2020 is a dumpster fire. I even have a candle saying so! However, this year has also had wonderful moments that have been overshadowed by an overwhelming negativity in the news and outside our windows. So, for the next month I 

Apple Cider Caramel Cookies

Apple Cider Caramel Cookies

Autumn in Seattle was long and beautiful, and apparently I did not spend it in the kitchen. Very belatedly (but still delicious all winter long), I present these gooey apple cider cookies filled with caramels. Kevin had friends visiting for a long weekend, and I 

Brown Butter Chocolate Caramel Ice Cream Sandwiches

Brown Butter Chocolate Caramel Ice Cream Sandwiches

Summer in Seattle is magical. I thought I would spend more time baking in my free weekends this summer, but instead have been traveling or entertaining every weekend. In between, Kev and I have been focusing on using all the amazing produce from the Pike Place and Capitol Hill Farmer’s Markets at which I have become a regular. I am trying very hard to prioritize healthy habits as we are starting new lives in a new city and balancing this with being residents. Maybe some day this blog will expand to include fresh meals, but for now I’ll keep up the appearance of the doctor on her way to giving everyone diabetes instead of preventing it. 



My brothers are coming to visit this weekend and I am so excited! It has been a long long time since the three of us spent quality time together. They texted specifically asking what I am baking for the weekend… no pressure. Hence, I had an excuse to make these ice cream sandwiches I had been eyeing on Tutti Dolci for a while – I couldn’t make them because I didn’t trust myself to not eat all 12 on my own and they’re a little tough to take to work.

I have a few general recommendations for this recipe. These cookies are a bit of a time investment between browning the butter and several chilling steps, so I would recommend giving yourself two days unless you have a weekend day when you can start in the morning and intermittently pop back into the kitchen. I would also recommend refrigerating the chocolate covered caramels ahead of use so they chop easily. I used salted chocolate covered caramels from Ghirardelli, and I know I’ve seen something similar at Trader Joe’s. I made my ice cream sandwiches with Bourbon Butter Pecan ice cream and they are delicious, but they are SO rich. I will probably use a more subtle ice cream flavor next time. We’ll see what the boys think, though! 



I baked my cookies for 9 minutes on a silicone mat (my first time using my silicone mats instead of parchment paper!). They were extremely soft when they came out of the oven but the edges looked set. The first cookie was too gooey (SO hard to not just eat it right then and there) to transfer to a wire rack so I decided to pop them in the freezer straight on the silicone mat to harden. Silicone mats encourage spreading more than parchment paper and also produce a softer bottom, whereas parchment paper produces a crispier edge. The texture came out perfectly for the ice cream sandwiches – the cookies freeze hard so construction is easy and they hold well when eating the sandwich. I worry that if baked until they looked “done”, the final product would be too crispy and might crumble. Also, my cookies totally melted together while baking and are not at all the picture-perfect round that Laura achieved, but they are so good it doesn’t matter. If you want a perfectly round cookie, maybe try parchment paper instead. 



Make these. Now. While it is 1 million degrees outside. I promise it will be worth the 10 minutes that your oven is on! Everyone in Seattle seems to be melting, but the Central Californian in me is thoroughly enjoying the 88 degree weather. It helps that I am one of 10 people in Seattle that has central AC… Happy Summer! 



Brown Butter Chocolate Caramel Ice Cream Sandwiches
Yields 12
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  1. 10 Tbsp unsalted butter
  2. 1 2/3 cups flour
  3. 1 tsp cornstarch
  4. 1 tsp baking soda
  5. 1/4 tsp kosher salt
  6. 3/4 cup packed light brown sugar
  7. 1/4 cup sugar
  8. 1 large egg plus 1 egg yolk
  9. 2 tsp vanilla extract
  10. Approx. 1 cup chocolate covered caramels, chopped
  11. 1/3 cup dark chocolate chunks
  12. Flaky sea salt
  1. 3 cups bourbon butter pecan ice cream (or ice cream of your choice)
  1. Cook butter in a heavy saucepan over medium heat, stirring constantly until it foams, turns clear, and then turns a golden brown with a deep nutty smell. Pour browned butter into a glass measuring cup and chill in the freezer until solidified, about 45 minutes to an hour.
  2. Whisk together flour, cornstarch, baking soda, and salt in a medium bowl. In a separate bowl, beat brown butter and sugars at medium speed until creamy. Add in egg, egg yolk, and vanilla and beat until combined. Reduce speed to low and gradually add flour mixture. Mix until just incorporated. Fold in chopped chocolate covered caramels. Cover dough and chill in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours or overnight.
  3. Preheat oven to 350°F (If cookie dough has chilled overnight, let stand at room temperature for 30 minutes before baking). Line two baking sheets with silicone mats or parchment paper. Form 1 1/2-inch balls of dough and place two inches apart on prepared baking sheets.
  4. Top cookies with chocolate chunks, pressing gently to adhere. Bake, rotating pans halfway through, for 9 - 11 minutes, until edges are set. Cool for 5-10 minutes on baking sheets, then transfer to a wire rack. Sprinkle cookies with flaky sea salt and let cool completely.
  5. Freeze cookies for 30 minutes to harden.
  6. To assemble sandwiches, place a scoop of ice cream between two chilled cookies and press lightly. Place assembled ice cream sandwiches on a baking sheet and cover with plastic; return to the freezer for another 30 minutes before serving.
Adapted from Tutti Dolci
Adapted from Tutti Dolci
Stay At Home Doctor https://stayathomedoctor.com/
Cinnamon Chip Snickerdoodles

Cinnamon Chip Snickerdoodles

I’m breaking in my oven in Seattle this weekend with an old tried & true recipe for a potluck with my new co-residents. There is nothing vegan, gluten-free, organic, or environmentally friendly about these cookies so they don’t scream “Seattle”, but warm cinnamon on a 

Hearty Peanut Butter & Chocolate Chip Cookies

Hearty Peanut Butter & Chocolate Chip Cookies

Kev is FINALLY home from his 6 week – Around the world extravaganza and the last week has been filled with long ICU days followed by figuring out logistics of a cross-country move while working in the ED. The good news is that we now 

Bachelorette Sugar Cookies with Royal Icing

Bachelorette Sugar Cookies with Royal Icing

Back in April, I was coasting through an anesthesia rotation after I’d already matched into my Residency, and decided to take on a (seriously time consuming) project for my best friend’s Bachelorette in Palm Springs, CA. As a co-MOH, I had put my type-A planning skills to use but C was stuck with the onerous task of transporting and setting up all the decorations, gifts, and supplies for the weekend. These cookies were my small contribution to the color pop of the weekend!

My trip there was the worst flight ever and our plane was re-routed to Ontario due to high winds in Palm Springs. Most passengers de-planed in Ontario and opted to drive but a small handful of us decided to take our chances, cross all fingers and toes, and pray to all the Gods that we make it to Palm Springs – and here I am writing this post. I made it, but the cookies did not. The poor little flamingos traveled all the way from Ohio to Ontario intact only to have their necks broken in the unfriendly skies above Palm Springs. Didn’t change the taste though 🙂

If you’ve never tried royal icing cookies, they’re a process. Some recipes include chilling time for the dough, then the cookies need to cool completely before decorating. For royal icing cookies, thicker icing is used for the edge and design then it is thinned so the flooding is nice and smooth. This was a multi-day process for me given all the colors and layers (and actually having to work), but so worth the time! Special shout out to my old roommate, who ran back and forth between getting ready for dinner and helping me flood cookies so we wouldn’t be late.  

I used this AmeriColor Gel Food Color set and love the vibrant color tones! There are lots of fancy piping bags and bottles you can use, but holes in ziplock bags worked just fine for me.

Campfire S’mores Cookies

Campfire S’mores Cookies

I often get asked where I find my recipes. Browsing recipes and all the pretty pictures of skillful bakers and food photographers is half the fun for me! When I have down time (and frequently when I should be studying), I scroll through pinterest or 

Molly’s Thin Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies

Molly’s Thin Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies

There is some pressure on this first post of my new venture, so it is with some trepidation that I have chosen a recipe that I created. I am a great follower of recipes and have only recently begun to risk subjecting friends and family